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UFC fighter Comparison

MMA Stats Comparison is a UFC fighter comparison tool that helps you compare two UFC fighters, from the same or different weight classes, to see who has the better record against a specific opponent.

Best tool for GOAT conversation

For example, there’s a big debate in the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) conversation between Khabib Nurmagomedov and Jon Jones fans. Khabib boasts an undefeated UFC record, dominating the lightweight division for years. Jon Jones, in the light heavyweight division, remained unbeaten for a decade and holds a record number of title defenses. However, when it comes to the GOAT conversation, title defenses and unbeaten records alone aren’t enough. We need to analyze all the relevant records and statistics.

Stats in clear comparison format

Sportzonly helps in such situations by presenting all the records and stats of two fighters in a clear comparison format. Our tool compares every factor that influences a fight, including striking, wrestling, grappling, cardio, and submissions.

Many may argue that stats aren’t the sole answer to comparing the best fighter. However, we believe in the mantra “numbers don’t lie.” Stats provide a valuable data point in the overall analysis.

Aids in UFC Fight Night Previews

Furthermore, Sportzonly goes beyond the GOAT conversation. It also aids in UFC Fight Night previews by analyzing fights scheduled for each week’s UFC schedule. Our page is regularly updated, and the data is carefully updated.

Our datas are updated as per the records from the and We cannot guarantee the complete accuracy of our data. For more information on data sources and limitations, please see our disclaimer policy.