For content related feedback, please provide to  details about the person who desires to give feedback along with the following:

– full name
– email id
– cell number
– to set out the sentence or words verbatim from news report, article, editorial or content the if feedback related to any specific sentences or words
– feedback in 500 words
– specify & attach supporting documents if any relied upon
– and a declaration that whatever information and/or documents are submitted with the feedback are true, complete and current in all respects and nothing therein is false.

Please note that feedback must be from someone personally and directly affected by the matter which forms the subject matter of the feedback or complaint. It must not be exasperating, unimportant or argumentative.

In the alternate, please write to with the above information to:


Vignesh Subramanian, 1/171,Indira Street , Chinniampalayam, Coimbatore,Tamil Nadu,India.